Saturday, March 1, 2014

Getting a Grip on Yourself

Getting A Grip On Yourself

What is the very worse that can happen?  He can say No.  He can also ignore you.  How very bad can that be?  It will not be the end of anyone's world no matter what he says.

There's an ocean of fish in the sea, so go fishing.  Don't cry about the one that got away.  It is important that boys do not over-dramatize the situation, because investing so much emotion paralyzes.

Always remember that whether a man accepts or rejects you, it is the image in his head that he is responding to, since he can't possibly know who you are in any great measure.

Boys need to develop the confidence that comes by experiencing both rejection and acceptance.  It is important for a boy to acknowledge his worth as a human being, and not treat himself as if he is worthless.  That is an enormous turn-off in any case.  What good man wishes to invest his time and effort in someone who values himself so slightly?

Accept the gift of his favor if it comes, but do not be concerned if he chooses another.  It is not your business that he wants another, so focus on other men who may desire you.


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