Saturday, March 1, 2014

Stages of Slave Development

Stages of Slave Development
 by Master Phillip Simpson

I don't see these as stages of slave training.  Not at all.  Rather as the stages of the development of the slave himself from man to slave.  They are not stages of training but rather stages of becoming.

It takes a strong man to be a slave, stronger than those of us who become Masters, I think.  Why?  Because they must break the bonds of how they have been socialized as males and all the the pressure placed on them to be a "man."   Most of us have to fight this struggle once as we come to understand and acknowledge our homosexuality.  A slave, I believe, has to go through this a second time.  As an example, I know of very few Masters who exhibit shame or embarrassment about their need to control another man.  Most slaves I know have, at some point, felt this shame and embarrassment in themselves as they have come to accept their urges and then seek out those who will use them.

I have seen far more Master/slave partners fail in the development of their relationship than I have seen those that succeed. The main reason, it seems to me, is that the level and extent of control moves too fast.  This is the fault of both the slave and the master -- both can move too impatiently and too impulsively. But it is up to the Master to take control and, while pushing the slave to even deeper accomplishments of submission, to allow the slave to move there only as he is able to do so.

The problem comes, I believe, in that most men with slave mentalities find it very hard to find a compatible Master.   Once they find one, the relief is so intense and their fantasies and needs have grown so intense, that they want to move to full and complete control immediately.  However, reality does not match fantasy.  At each step of the way, the slave will initially find whatever the Master wants to be an extreme turn on.  But then the difficulties of doing what the Master orders become real and the motivation begins to wane.  Then the slave begins to rebel in his mind.  And then the slave rebels in action.  If the Master has overwhelmed the slave with the level and extent of control and the slave is not ready for it, he will eventually walk.  In most cases, both will blame the slave.  The Master will say "If he were a real slave...." and the slave will same to himself "If I were a real slave...."  The thing is, the man may have been a real slave, but he just needs to be able to take the time to work through the internal conflicts and the extreme difficulties he faces as he goes deeper and deeper.

It is analogous to a man who starts at a gym wanting to become a competitive body builder.  Unless he has a very good trainer, he will move much too fast trying to get to the competitive level too quickly -- and end up hurting himself and failing, only because he failed to understand the work and the pain he needed to go through in the various stages of physical development.  Where it is very different is that the slave is going through an emotional and psychological development, which is must more difficult and takes much longer than physical development.  And while chemicals may help speed body building, they don't help the man developing into full slavery.

It is up to the Master to study and learn about the man he is developing as a slave and to know when to push for more development and when to back off and help the slave work through whatever difficulties he needs to. Then the Master can push some more. Back off again. Help the slave again.  Then push some more.

I am reticent to give any sort of checklist or set any sort of criteria that allows a Master to understand which stage of development the slave is in.  Human beings do not change and develop along a checklist.  Any of us who understand how children develop physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically, know that each child is different, each develops at a different pace and that development in one area, say mental abilities, may not be matched with a corresponding development in another, say emotionally.  Any good parent will tell you that each child is different and the parent helps each child develop along his/her own pace, a different pace for each area the child is developing in.  The development of the man into a slave is the same, I believe.

My experience simply tells me that it is easiest for a slave to accept and learn to follow orders about his activities, first.  As he becomes adept at this and the trust he has in his master grows, it becomes easier for him to submit to the Master's control of the totality of his daily life and his lifestyle. And once the slave has totally accepted this and the trust has developed even further, the master is able to begin to take control of the soul of human being himself. 


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